Hot off the press… and yet timeless!
The cover story of HBR’s January – February 2023 issue: “What Most Companies Get Wrong About Managing Talent”… “They misjudge what really matters to employees.” What really matters to their people.
The article goes on to say: “A lot of leaders believe that the formula for attracting and keeping talent is simple. Just ask people what they want and give it to them. The problem is, that approach tends to address only the material aspects of jobs that are top of employees’ minds at the moment, like pay or flexibility. And those offerings are easy for rivals to imitate and have the least enduring impact on retention. Companies instead should focus on what workers need to thrive over the long term, balancing material offerings with opportunities to grow, connection and community, and meaning and purpose.”
Thank you, Harvard Business Review! brandstory could not have said it better itself. Although we have certainly tried on multiple occasions. Because yes, this brings us back to every Company-as-brand’s need for a winning, differentiating and retention-stimulating Organizational Culture!
One of the primary benefits of the strategic brand story, brandstory’s unique raison d’etre… specializing in the development of this innovative “low cost – high impact” business tool!