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Writer's pictureRick Ray

Not just at M&A time…

Yes, Merger & Acquisition time is a very good time for involved business decision-makers to invest in the development of a unifying Strategic Brand Story™ for their “new” organization-as-brand’s evolving Organizational Culture!

Just think about it. Big recent news in the Marketing Communications

universe – the literally overnight “disappearance” of three historical Advertising Agency brands, putting three sets of once-upon-a-time competitive stakeholders, all of a sudden, on the same team!

Three different and distinctive “organizational cultures” thrown into the same pot… leaving the left-brain bean-counters hoping for the best! J. Water Thompson (JWT) and its 157 year history - gone. Young & Rubicon (Y&R) and its 100+ year history – gone. Wunderman and its 65 year history – gone. In their place? The “new” VML agency, with 30,000 (!!!) stakeholder employees across the globe, all holding their collective breaths, all crossing their collective fingers, all hoping for the best.

Of course, there is a mini-army of senior Agency executives now working long hours to make it all work – doing their best to do more than “hoping for the best.”

Yes, an ideal occasion for the development of their “new” brand’s own original and unifying Strategic Brand Story™… anyone out there listening? Smile.

But no, one does not need to wait until M&A time to consider the development of an original Strategic Brand Story™… brandstory’s innovative business tool conceived to help ensure that your organization-as-brand is perceived by your own stakeholders (as well as by the best talent out there in the marketplace!) as, indeed, an “employer-of-choice!” Whew. That was a mouthful! But you know what we mean… right?

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